Adding Markups In ePRO Print MIS

You can apply Markups in two ways. 
Method 1: Set individual markups on activities or processes. 

Method 2: Set overall markup rates. 

To add or change a markup rate, please review the steps below. 
Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:
  • Access To ePRO Print MIS 
Important Note: To set individual markup rates, use Method 1. To set overall markup rates, use Method 2. You can use a combination of both methods to build markups into your costs. Feel free to add, edit or remove existing markups to create your own. 

Method 1 Steps: How To Set Individual Markup Rates

1. Login to your ePRO software.
2. Hover over your Username in the top menu bar and click on the sub-menu option Settings.  
3. Open Markups
4. Enter the markup percentage as a number. 
5. Click on the Save Changes button.

Method 2 Steps: Set overall markup rates.

1. Login to your ePRO software.
2. Hover over your Username in the top menu bar and click on the sub-menu option Settings.  
3. Open Markups
4. Next to Default Markup, click on the + (green button) to add a markup. To edit, click on the Pencil Icon (orange button), or to delete a markup, click on the Bin Icon (red button).
5. Enter the Markup Name as you want it to appear in the system. 
6. Enter the Rate. For example: If you want to set a markup rate of 10% - then enter 10.
Warning: If you click on Apply to all customers, it will overwrite any markups you have set in your customers profiles. 
Note: The markup rate selected in the Default Markup field will automatically apply to all new estimates and jobs created in the system. 
7. Click on the Save button.
8. Click on the Save Changes button near the bottom of the section.

If you have any questions about this, please contact our support team by clicking the support link in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. - All Rights Reserved @ 2023.