Setting Up Your Workflow Preferences In ePRO Print MIS

To set your workflow preferences in ePRO, please review the steps below. 

Prior to getting started, you will need to have the following:
  • Access to ePRO Software

Steps: How To Change Workflow Preferences

1. Login to your ePRO software.
2. Hover over your Username in the top menu bar and click on the sub-menu option Settings.
3. Open Workflow Preferences.
4. Use Your Options in the menu on the left side of the page:
Your workflow preferences have the following sections: 
- Estimates
- System
- User Interface
- Print Broker
- Nominal Accounts
- Inventory
5. Click on the Save Changes button.
If you have any questions about this, please contact our support team by clicking the support link in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. - All Rights Reserved @ 2023.